What is Project Runway this season without of course drama, drama, drama! But, I will do a quick synopsis and mainly focus on what should have been the highlight, the 8 superfans! One other quick side note, since many of you who likely read my posts, you know I have GIVEAWAYS as often as I can. And yes, I have another, so remember, Like Fashion Nexus on Facebook and you are entered! You have until 9/24 and I have a Desigual scarf, Udderly Smooth lotion and L’Oreal hair repair serum!
So this week’s challenge was all about the superfans. Fans of PR submitted videos as to why they needed/deserved a PR makeover by one of the designers. 8 women were selected and were ready to begin what I imagine would be a super fun process and time. The designers had 2 days for this challenge. They could make whatever their client/superfan wanted. We finally had a bit more participation from a new feature on this season, with GoBank. Generally for this season, a suggested budget is given and we’ve seen it’s been fairly adhered to. This week’s budget was a wider range, $200-$400. There is still a bit of time left this season and the designers were given $4000 at the start of this season. I assume a few took a look at their GoBank accounts, saw they underspend their budget some and thus, were able to splurge on their superfan client!
So real quick on the drama from this past episode, which was INTENSE! As designers leave, we always see that the rooms switch up and remaining designers are combined into 1 room. So this time, it was for the boys and with only 4 remaining, it was time for a move. Bradon & Alexander were moving into Ken & Justin’s room. So Alexander and Bradon come down, swing open the door and Ken happened to be ironing right at the door. Alexander sort of jokingly, perhaps a bit sarcastically said something like “you gotta move, I got this big bag, etc.” It wasn’t rude, but it wasn’t a normal and polite attempt either. Ken just looked and said, “I’m almost done.” I don’t know what the editing process was, but it was maybe a minute and then Ken moved, not that he was being warm, fuzzy and inviting. Alexander then busted in, knocked over the iron and table and barged on through. This led to what may have been the millionth Ken temper tantrum. A crew member was there to calm him down and needless to say, Bradon and Alexander slept elsewhere. The drama subsided the next day and apologies were given, but it was basically 2 grown men acting like 2 children. They both threw temper tantrums, It was not called for and I mean, what’s new with Ken acting this way. No excuse for Ken, but Alexander didn’t have to stoop to that level either.
Before getting to the judges’ top and bottom, I did have one other thought from this episode. I’ve heard designers say before and with this episode about never having designed for “real women.” What does this mean, do you decide for fake women? I’m just kidding, I know it means they must only design for women who are size 2, but really, you can’t make a career from just that. Plus, I don’t see how as a designer who has not made it yet and gets on this show, that you have never designed for a woman bigger than a size 2. What do they only know models? I doubt it! So I pretty much agreed with the judges this week with one major exception, Kate should have been in the top 3. Her client loved her detailed olive green top and detailed black leggings (or a very slim pant). The judges’ top looks were great as well, but as far as a commercial and most wearable piece, Kate had that in the bag. Plus, her client will likely get the most wear out of that outfit, whereas others might get one or a handful of times. Also, just thought about this, the judges top was again this season, filled with black dresses, so odd?? So Kate’s look could have also added color!
The judges actual top 3 was Justin, Bradon and Helen. I admit, it was a hard week to only have 3. Justin’s black dress with threading detail was minimalist and classic. I was happy for Justin to have a winning look. Bradon also did a glamfab job with his black cocktail dress and leather details. I was not a fan of the matching vest jacket, but the dress was simply gorgeous. Finally, there was Helen to round out the top 3. Her black red carpet gown was spectacular, but I’m not sure how many times her fan could actually wear that dress. Nonetheless, it was great and deserving of the win. The bottom 3 was also pretty spot on and I guess with some lack of consistency from Ken, it made sense for him to go.
Alexandria was in the bottom 3 and I wasn’t sure if it would be her or Dom. I knew for sure Ken and Alexander would be in the bottom though. I guess since Alexandria wasn’t in the bottom last week and she full well should have been, perhaps this was a make-up. I guess her look was a bit boring and not very modern. Her client did want something to interview in, but suits can only be so edgy and modern before they won’t work for an interview. I thought Alexander’s look was worse than Kens’ but again, he has been in the bottom more and perhaps needed a break since he’s had so many outbursts. Alexander’s look was also a suit, but was first and foremost not finished, so sloppiness was an issue. But even it was constructed better, it wouldn’t have been a top look. The tan color was so drab. Also, it seemed as if to make it more modern, he just added some black details and a flap on the back?? Ken’s look also had some fit issues, but his superfan loved it! The color was a bit odd, but again, the client picked it.
Alexandria’s look
Alexander’s look
That’s all for now. Next week is the challenge where the designers create their own textile prints-should be interesting!
Related articles
- ‘Project Runway’ Recap: Ken Catches An Attitude With Tim Gunn (hollywoodlife.com)
- 10 Questions for Project Runway Season 12 (fashionista.com)
- Project Runway SuperFan! (televisionwithoutpity.com)
- ‘Project Runway’ Preview: The Superfan Challenge Goes Bad (hollywoodlife.com)
- Project Runway 9/19/13 – “Superfans” (amphetaminecrash.wordpress.com)
- Project Runway (rainbowdi.wordpress.com)
- Project Runway Season 12 Episode 10 Online Project Runway SuperFan! Watch Free HD Video (skysportshd.wordpress.com)
Hi Shannon, I like your summary of Project Runway. I enjoy your take on the show; it is different from mine, which makes life more interesting. This week, especially, your favorites were different from mine. I thought that Helen and Bradon did way better than the others but Helen isn’t one of my favorites. You might want to check out my blog about PR this week. I also saw the Ken/Alexander drama differently. I rewound to see what transpired. I also included a link to Susi’s blog. Susi was Ken’s super fan. This turned out to be a fun PR week. I can’t wait to see the new textiles. I’d love to have the opportunity to make my own textile. Any idea how one could go about doing that?
Hey! Would you let me know if you can actually see my responses back, like to your comments? I’m so excited to read comments, but I reply back and am not sure if the commenter sees them. But yes, I love reading different takes. I too enjoyed Bradon and Helen’s look, but I really wanted Kate in that top 3 this week! With Ken/Alexander, I tried to not focus too much on the drama, but I wanted to not make it too big of a deal. I’m sure Ken is receiving enough flack so I didn’t want to add more to that. I will definitely check out your blog!
As far as making your own textile, I’m not sure. I think they design it on the HP touchscreens they use and then send off somewhere for production. Are you in NY? Perhaps Mood would know?
I checked the box that says “Notify me of follow-up comments via email.” Maybe that is what’s needed to see a response without checking back. I am not in New York. I’m fairly near San Francisco. I wonder why there are no reality shows, like Real Housewives of San Francisco, a beautiful city to feature on television. There are a few celebs in the Bay Area. Actually, I recently moved to Tracy which is east of Oakland. M.C. Hammer lives out here. A friend of mine sees him at Costco and other places; I’ve never seen him. Incidentally, I do not see a Comments box on your pages unless I LIKE your blog entry first and then it shows up. Maybe my eyesight is getting worse. Oh, sorry. I almost forgot that this is a blog comment and I’m rambling. I’ve changed Word Press blog designs several times to find one that is easy for visitors to read. The font colors are limited, and even when you change them, only certain ones change. The LIKE my Facebook page doesn’t light up enough, no matter which Design I select.
I was just curious because I have had several comments and I reply back, but no responses to replies. Thanks for the info! Give in time, I’m sure San Fran will soon get attentions. You are right, it is a gorgeous area.