Designers Go Print-Tastic

I was a little uneasy with this week’s challenge! Head to toe print looks, that is a lot, especially when picking that perfect print which could make or break one’s look. Prints are a huge trend in the industry, so successfully taking on this task and thriving would be a great feat for any burgeoning fashion designer.

A little bad news for the designers however — no more 2 day challenge. We are now at the first one-day challenge! Last week’s winning designer, Sebastian, in getting to choose his model, decided to keep who he was working with. The rest of the bunch had to race to get their first choice. Nadine ended up with one of the plus size models and was less than thrilled. She claimed to be a print pro, but I would think a person who can work with prints, should be able to design for all.

Some great news for the designers, they were going to receive some expert help from celebrity stylist Marni Senofonte. But first, the designers had 15 minutes to sketch. Tessa was one who definitely felt worried as prints really do not fit the mold of her minimalist asethetic. It was then off to Mood with a $250 budget. Rakan decided to go with a more somber, bland print, despite Christian’s suggestion to rethink that choice.

Getting back to the workroom, the designers first met individually with Marni. She discussed with the designers how integral styling can be for any look to be viewed as a success. After her visit with Marni, Tess seemed a bit calmer. Hester was beginning to have a little self-doubt though. We heard a bit of her backstory, kind of sad, seeing that her aesthetic was not suitable to her design school professor and she actually got kicked out.

Christian was beginning his Siriano sessions, helping some with their styling choices. The models later came by for their fittings. Nadine seemed to have zero patience with her model. She was even stressing over her model’s walk. Most of the designers seemed to be doing okay, and that trickled over to the next day, the day of the runway. Afa was one that certainly was still receiving a bit of help in styling his look.

I was excited to see how this runway was going to go! And joining this week’s panel was the first guest judge, designer Adam Selman.

I noticed 2 designers used an army fatigue print, REALLY! All of the prints and 2 chose the same unimpressive one — CRAZY! I loved Venny’s jumpsuit and the print he chose. However, his print didn’t really translate well on the runway, or really when photographed, so I wish he had chosen something a bit more eye-catching. Bishme’s look would have been in my bottom list. He chose a bold print, striking color in red, but the look was too “big” — big shoulders, a big hat (which was not great), big train. He could have toned this look down some.

Jammall would have been in my top group. I have to give him a little credit now since I have been hating on him most of the season. I loved his print, such a sexy, chic look. I also really loved Tessa’s look. I don’t understand why she still didn’t love this look. She stayed true to her aesthetic and I loved the print she chose.

For the top though, the judges chose Hester, Kovid, and Sebastian. Hester ended up winning, which I don’t agree with, but I am not going to put down too much. She really stuck the right balance of quirk with this look. I wasn’t ready to go on the picnic, but I appreciate her work here. I loved the accessories she created for her look!

I get why Kovid made the top for the judges. He was back to his street chic style, doing a fantastic job. I thought he chose a great print. And who can’t appreciate a strong comeback, which he did from the work last week. I didn’t love this look at much because it read very heavy to me and super streetwear is not really my taste.

The judges were salivating when Sebastian’s look came down the runway, so clearly he was making the top. I loved the silhouette, such great structure, an amazing flow. His quality of work is so superior and he really does have top construction skills. My issue here was the print he chose. I didn’t find it to be super striking.

The bottom consisted of Rakan, Nadine, and Garo. I don’t agree with Garo being in the bottom and am happy he escaped the bottom 2. I actually really liked his look. I loved the poppin’ pink color and this look felt bold to me. I get what the judges were saying about the crotch though.

Rakan being in the bottom was no shocker though. He really did choose such a boring print. And the look he created, too much coverage on his model, very messy feeling, super drab. The look really had no life in it.

But the writing was on the wall it would be Nadine to go this week. And I can’t say it wasn’t deserving. The print she chose was unimpressive. I still don’t think she can make pants. I have seen her make several pairs now and none of them seem to fit well. I did like the open back though. I would also give her that this model is not the best walker, which I know she complained about. But a good walker is not going to magically make your look better.

And then listening to her on the runway, she was being so unkind to her model and I am glad the judges called her out on that. The message is clear, no attitudes this season! First it was Cavanagh and now Nadine. Although I feel Nadine acted far worse, especially in this episode. She rolled her eyes constantly during the runway critiques. She was instantly complaining backstage since she was in the bottom. She even called the judges bitches — REALLY? This was the sign of someone with not just a bad attitude, but someone who clearly believes they can do no wrong. It was sad to see. And to see her then say she was ready to go home, wow, how defeatist. At least Cavanagh handled her elimination with some professionalism and class.

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