We have had a Southwest Airlines challenge; a Butter London challenge; and so in keeping in line with sponsors of the show challenges, it is now time for the JC Penney challenge. The designers met Alyssa at a JC Penney store. Joining the group was Design Director for Contemporary Brands for JC Penney, Monica Dalton.

The challenge details were to turn daytime separates into a sensational nighttime look. Each designer would have 3 different separates, all of which had to be incorporated into their final look. Throughout the store were 8 live model mannequins, each wearing 2 separates. The designers would claim their model, and then shop for their 3rd separate item. The only materials for this challenge would be these items.

There was an additional bonus for the win this week, in that the winning designer would receive a $2000 shopping spree at JC Penney! This would be a 1-day challenge. The designers were off to shop and sketch. Michelle decided to choose based on the model, versus the actual clothing items they were wearing. Didn’t see that as the smartest move, but oh well! As the designers were back to the workroom though, it was Christina who faced the most struggles.

It was soon time for Anne’s check-ins. A few needed to really think about the nighttime element. Others needed a bit more runway impact. It was nice to see that some were getting positives, such as Dmitry and Irina. Throughout the episode we of course saw our traditional “Designer Shade.” Michelle and Dmitry were exchanging shade on each other, Dmitry saying Michelle was not doing much more than she usually does, while Dmitry was making a hideous skirt. Irina also thought Michelle was being far too basic.

Some were finishing up a little early on the first day. Biddell decided to make a turbin. Michelle and Sean seemed to be done, or maybe just taking a little break toward the end of the day, but as we later saw the next morning, they still had lots to do. Regardless, in that little break-time, Christina was over the noise. But it was Dmitry who had no issue asking for a little respect in the workroom as others were still working.

The morning of the runway had one huge surprise in that I guess as Sean was soon finished, he decided to help Christina. Biddell was criticizing that, but also that Sean should focus on his own garment. An odd statement since Biddell has finished early himself, so I don’t get that criticism, but I do agree at this stage in the game, helping out might not be the best strategy?

It was soon time for the runway. This week’s guest judges were actress Vanessa Williams and model Jasmine Tookes. So the safe designers for this runway were Dmitry and Anthony Ryan. Dmitry’s top was great, but his skirt was not his best work! However, I thought Anthony Ryan did a great job on his chic dress. I loved the colors and really wish he had been in the top!

In the top however was Irina, Michelle, and Biddell. This was absolutely not my top group. And I am even more confused how Biddell nabbed this win. I loved the shimmer of his fabric, but I didn’t see this as a fashionable nighttime look. It was elevated street chic. And drop trousers can be hip for some, but it is not in the nighttime life! I would have pegged him as safe.

Michelle making the top was also a surprise for me. This look had very little runway impact. Looking at it upclose, the appeal could grow on you, but this was far too basic and simplistic compared to some of the others. A look doesn’t always need the bells and whistles, but this was not simplistic minimalism at its best.

I was at least happy for one top contender, very well-deserved, Irina. This was such a vibrant look, daring red color.

As much as Biddell’s win struck confusion for me, so did Sean being in the bottom. I could totally see this as a maxidress that anyone would want. The judges basically said this was too commercial without saying those exact words. HELLO! This was a JC Penney challenge. They were using commercial fabrics, to make looks for a commercial sponsor. I loved this and Sean was not deserving of a bottom 3 spot.

The bottom 2 however was spot on. Just as we saw last week, Sean was saved because he has shown more promise than Django, but his look was far worse. This was absolutely the case between Christina & Cynthia. Christina had the worst look, but she has shown far more potential than Cynthia. I can’t feel too badly for Cynthia leaving because she really hasn’t stood out, playing it far too safe. Hopefully Christina will step it up next week!