Snow Queen & Jack Frost Show — A Fashion Show Like No Other!!


1459967_429843117117742_786343578_n   1393711_429843277117726_742551153_n    11217_429843267117727_1796825867_nWhen most people hear the phrase “fashion show”, they are likely to think clothing, dresses, etc. But you have to remember, the fashion realm is so vast and so now, when it comes to shows, the sky is the limit! Think about what makes a look, yes there are the clothes, but there are also shoes, accessories, and of course, make-up & hair! So with that, if you are design artist for make-up & hair, you can create an amazing show!

1455847_429843270451060_1543041678_nTawni Michelle of Dramatizon Make-Up has done just this. Tawni has over 12 years of experience with make-up design. In reaching this high level of experience, she decided to venture out on her own and start her own business. She provides make-up design, at affordable prices, for a wide variety of situations — head shots, editorial, fashion shoots, etc. You can learn more about Dramatizon on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram; handle is @dramatizon.

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1482787_446568692111851_1366298327_nBut rather than sticking to the traditional format of working with apparel fashion shows and merely providing make-up, she is now making the show be about the creative make-up design. And I have to say, it’s so stunning and so phenomenal! Her latest monthly show at Sky Room NYC, Snow Queen & Jack Frost, was simply awesome. I am so glad I was able to attend. Throughout this post are the various images from the show, before, during, & after. ENJOY!!

1013241_446577195444334_400634671_n                   1497752_446577092111011_269246835_n                  1506917_446577422110978_1360453446_nSo who was the team behind this fantastic show. Well first, there is the beautiful hair design, which was by Fallon Fitzpatrick — Fallon Fitzpatrick Hair Design. She has over 10 years of professional hair experience and does cuts, coloring, styling, & more! You can book an appointment with her at Y Gallery, Soho/NYC, but she also does freelance work. Check her work out on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram! As you can see in the various images from the show, the work done on the models’ hair was all so intricate & detailed. I was blown away!

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399256_446569035445150_1459749238_nThe models all worked lingerie/bikinis by Gigi Carnett. These looks were all so sexy and worked very well as a part of this show. The various accessories the models were wearing, crowns, necklaces, etc, were provided by Jenny Winters. It can’t be overlooked also that the head model was none other than NYC native and Big Brother 15 houseguest GinaMarie Zimmerman. I can’t tell you how starstruck I was since I love that show and rooted for this gal last summer! It was also such a pleasant surprise that another BB15 houseguest made an appearance to root for GM, Amanda Zuckerman. I hope to do a fashion feature with both of these ladies soon on Fashion Nexus!

1512650_446568802111840_266262066_n   The Lingerie    1515024_446576772111043_1078929511_n


1512436_446569212111799_722624440_n                  GM & AMANDA              1506872_446577695444284_569158485_n

1489048_446569328778454_1386651364_nOne final mention, since all throughout my post are images of the show and promotional shots for the show, and that is Isadora B. Photography. Isadora offers a wide variety of photography services. You can check out her work on Facebook & Twitter.

So back to the one who put this altogether, Tawni of Dramatizon. You can’t deny how creative this work is. And the best part, this is only from 1 show. There has been so much more and will be so much more. Dramatizon’s mission is to bring the beauty, drama, flare, and FIERCENESS to everyone. The Dramatizon team can certainly do that! I can’t wait to attend another show and see more work from this team and their creative design work!

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