Dramatizon Make-up Presents — Ice Kings & Queens

10920935_10152660696833546_2388380923929450778_nIt was my distinct pleasure and honor to attend, for the 2nd year in a row, a wintry fashion show like no other — Ice Kings & Queens! Tawni Michelle of Dramatizon Make-up, Tawni’s own business, was the creative mind and talent who conceived and developed this magical winter wonderland. The entire show, from start to finish, was stunningly mind-blowing. It was a great night indeed! Before I get to the specifics, here are some other important show credits that helped to make the entire event possible —


Whether male or female, Tawni did a spectacular job, creating some eye-catching artistry thru make-up design. Every detail was thought out. The winter colors of deep blue, dark purple, crisp white, and more were 100% on point. I’m thoroughly impressed by how imaginative Tawni is. She definitely did not disappoint and I’m already counting down to whatever her next presentation might be!


And of course, the striking and boldly designed hair for this show, above and beyond, and completely mesmerizing. The intricacies, the details, the work that Fallon has put in here was top-notch.


I’m not sure there are enough words to explain how great Fallon’s hair design was this year. Each look was so unique and so captivating from every angle. The Tawni & Fallon team for these shows are no doubt the very definition of a dynamic duo.


Fallon too has her own hair design business, but she also works as a hair stylist with Vidov Salon. So if you are ever in need of your own chic, stylish up-do, I’m sure she would love to assist!


Another exciting moment of the evening was being able to see the insanely talented and gorgeous GinaMarie Zimmerman. It’s been great getting to know more about GM since meeting her last year at the show. She is such a kind spirit and she has been doing some great things since her 2nd place win and stint on CBS’s hit summer reality show, Big Brother. She has been modeling, acting, working on her music, and so much more.


A recent film she took part in, Piranha Sharks, and you can also check out her hot dance-track Open Book.

10898082_10152692753208546_8223807944053554666_nAlso, remember each model for the showing is donning some exquisitely unique and custom lingerie pieces, courtesy of Gigi Carnett! GinaMarie is definitely workin’ these pieces!


I am also very happy to have met another new friend from this event, another multi-talented model Ricky Jarman. He not only can work the runway and photo-shoots, but he also acts and is too working on his music career. I recently checked him out at his live show at the historic Bitter End here in NYC, and wow, I’m impressed! At the end of March he will be releasing an album, The Pursuit, co-produced by DJ Kodzu.


I urge you all to check him out online and across social media — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. Also, check out some of his hot music videos, two of my faves “Do It” and “Make It Happen.”

FB_IMG_1422585782664If I haven’t said it enough, this Tawni/Dramatizon original presentation was phenomenal. It was fun for one evening to be whisked away into a winter wonderland fantasy. Here are some more photos of the event and photo credits for the photos throughout my post.







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