Which PR Designer took the Winning Leap!

I have not yet seen the film Leap!, but it is on my list! And mentioning that because it of course served as the inspiration for this week’s Project Runway challenge. After watching an extended trailer for the movie and a performance by fusion hip-hop pointe group Hiplet, Heidi & Tim provided the full challenge details!

Each designer would have 1 day and a $200 Mood budget to create a fashionable, innovative look in the spirit of dance/movement. It was a chance to get creative and inventive. While creative juices flowed, Deyonte had a painful sewing mishap, and Shawn/Claire were frantically running about the workroom. Tim was very pleased during his check-ins and it showed because this was one amazing runway! Dancer Maddie Ziegler picked a great week to guest judge!

Heidi announced how fantastic this runway was, which I agreed with wholeheartedly, but my top 3 was very different! From my own top 3 and the judges’, my winner of the week was Batani!

The judges, minus Zac, really got this look and I loved that they appreciated her amazing vision. This look really captured the spirit of dance/movement, and did so without being literal, and truly encapsulated movement!

I was hopeful the judges’ lackluster top 3 meant a clear path for Batani to win, but sadly, that was not the case. Happy she made the top 3, but a few other shout-outs for me —

I loved Ayana’s look! She is really impressing me each week and I’m happy to see such versatility with her work. This sparkly, tiered look very much dazzled me!

This dress is hottttt! Samantha killed it with this look and I would wear this 100%!

SHOUTOUTS — Avon hair & makeup

This was also a top look for me, from Kenya. Love the bold jacket, and the underneath part, being a jumpsuit, STUNNING!

SHOUTOUTS — Avon More glam from the team on hair & makeup

The judges top 3 included Brandon and Margarita, which I really didn’t get. And I was even more flabber-ghasted as to how Brandon won! He notes his lack of ability to speak is due to nerves, but I believe it is because he too is shocked by the judges’ decision!

I didn’t see this as a winning look, really fitting the challenge description. And then with Margarita, her look was way too literal. I didn’t care for the stark white fabric, kind of reminded me of the muslin. I did appreciate the pop of color as the judges did and there was movement, but it straight up looked like every other salsa ensemble I’ve seen — nothing too original here! But I do like Margarita so looking forward to more from her in the coming weeks.

The judges’ bottom 3 was Kudzanai, Kentaro, and Deyonte, and this did make sense. I was so worried the bottom 2 would be the case of the designer who did too much (Kudzanai) versus the designer who did too little (Kentaro), with the designer not doing enough going home. I love Kentaro and would have been so sad had he been axed this week. Given his background in dance/music, I did expect more from him. His work does fall under the minimalist umbrella, but he should have pushed it more this week, as Nina said, it needed a punch! Glad he was safe though and that we get to see more!

And then of course Deyonte being in the bottom 2, that was nerve-wrecking. But I kind of felt given his strong previous weeks, with a win week 1, that he would not be going home this soon! Of course his injury was going to be brought up, but as the judges noted, this unfortunate look was not all stemming from his injury. He chose an unflattering color. The silhouette was a yawn. And really, the look was not finished well, bit of a messy quality.

This left Kudzanai going home this week. I had not seen much from him yet that was truly impressive. He had been so safe and wanted to get the judges’ attention with this challenge, but he did way too much. The look was bright, it had many colors, feathers, other embellishments, very much all over the place. The judges too noted the messiness of the piece and sadly, this was not the best way to capture the judges’ attention.

Until next week…..


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