So where we left things the week before, Claire & Shawn were the bottom group, one in jeopardy of going home. But the judges could not make a decision, so as in seasons’ past, they had the twins compete in a 1-hour design-off. Only 15 minutes had passed, and while Claire had plenty done, Shawn could not get going. Thru lots of tears all around, Shawn decided to concede, and told Tim, as well as the judges of her decision. Knowing now what happened the very next week, this all seemed to be a waste!

On now to this week’s challenge though, the designers met Tim in the workroom for the details. Along with Tim was Teressa Busson, Brand Building Leader, for Dixie cups. The designers were tasked to create a custom print, to be featured in their look. The winning designers look would be re-created on a Dixie cup, to be available for purchase. The winning designer would also receive a $25k cash prize.
But there was more to this challenge! The designers would be creating “on the go” looks for friends and/or family members of the Project Runway crew. Assignments were as follows —
- Sara Rea, Exec. Producer for PR, her friend Cecilia, with Claire
- Gus Dominguez, Lighting Producer, I believe his sister, Analyssa, with Brandon
- Ashleigh Hocking, Talent Producer, her mom Sabrina, with Batani
- Sapna Shah, Field Producer, her mom Kekina, with Kentaro
- Kristen Adams, Production Designer, her mom, Michele, with Kenya
- Clive Salmon, Assistant Accountant, his friend Gina, with Amy
- Chandler Dewitt, Challenge Producer, her mom Stacey, with Margarita
- Oscar Cordova, Audio Department, his wife Cynthia, with Ayana
- Romano Barnett, Assistant Camera Operator, his wife Halona, with Michael

This would be a 2-day challenge, with a $150 Mood budget for other additional materials. Two accusations were made during the course of this episode, one on ripping off designs, and two, regarding the use of a measuring tape in the apartments, not in the workroom. I will focus on the latter in my next recap, except to say that for now, Margarita, as an adult, or a professional, should not have been so easily distracted with what Claire had going on. Keep your eye on the prize, DUH!! I would much rather a designer own her mistakes. However, this is the 2nd time Margarita has pointed the blame elsewhere. I don’t agree with that!
On day 2 of the challenge, the fabrics/textiles arrived. Some were disappointed in the final result. Later, the clients arrived, with Tim, for check-ins. Margarita was still focused on Claire, but Tim said nothing to support her claim. The morning of the runway was crazed, as per usual. Margarita was quick to show her disappointment in herself to the judges, which is probably not the best course of action, given the runway had not happened yet! But she also had immunity, so take a chill pill! But this would be the last immunity of the season.

Guest judges this week were host of a new show, Making a Model, Yolanda Hadid, and model Sophia Stallone.

The safe designers this week were Brandon, Ayana, and Amy. Amy was far too safe, but for a 2nd week in a row, I was not sipping on my normal hatorade for Brandon! However, Ayana, should have been in the top! She was robbed! I pictured Brandon’s look above given at the end of all the drama here, Dixie did choose his print as the win for the week!

I actually think Kentaro should have nabbed the win for the week. Perhaps Dixie was not totally on board with his print though, especially as we later see, the end result was Brandon winning the Dixie prize. But Kentaro’s look, albeit very bright, it was so pretty! It had the signature Kentaro wave, such great movement. Nina was right to point out his growth. I wondered if another reason he didn’t win because Heidi was not a fan? This was an older lady, so I am not sure why Heidi felt she should be showing off so much of her body. Plus, she wanted this look for a wedding, also not the most appropriate venue to go the super sexy route.

The judges, at least at this time, chose Claire as the winner. Her look was cute, chic, much more than I ever expected from her, given that this was the first week she was sans twin. Even the judges admitted its simplicity, so not sure why it nabbed the win over Kentaro, but ultimately, there was no victory here.

Kenya rounded out the judges’ top 3, which was quite perplexing to me! Too much peplum. The color combo did not work. And the print was too youthful, given the client at hand. I actually thought the critique here was super divided, so not sure how she landed in the top over Ayana, but glad to see there was not a total lovefest here, despite the full on lovefest between Kenya and her model!

I did not agree with Michael being in the bottom. I saw it as risky, but forward thinking. And it was something different, especially given the separates pairing. The only thing I took from the judges’ comments was that too much was going on. I disagreed. But what was more saddening to see was that this was when Michael decided to cause a scene, which seemed more acting out of jealousy, given his bottom placement, then true concern for the competition.

He was in the bottom 2, as Margarita was also in the bottom, and because of her immunity, she would not be going home. So really, there would be no point in placing her in the bottom 2 spot. I actually think if she did not have immunity, she would have gone home. Batani didn’t use much of her print, but her look was at least wearable. Margaritas’ was not. But again, as with Michael, I was not a fan of her actions this week. She kept saying she didn’t want to throw anyone under the bus, yet she was making vague accusations?? Ummmm, okay!

Batani was sadly the one at the bottom, as we saw in the next episode. She really should have knocked this challenge out of the park. She is all about prints!! Her dress was safe, but very wearble. However it was a maxi dress, nothing overly unique. To not use a print in a “featured” fashion on a print challenge makes 0 sense.

The show ended with Michael walking off the runway as Claire was announced as the winner of the challenge. So, what happens next!?!